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Can you pick the wood for your stock?


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I'm going to buy a Silver Pigeon V, but after looking through guntrader, the difference in quality of wood is vast. Some have beautiful dark wood with swirls where as others are plain and boring. Some dealers are offering them for just shy of £1400 but the wood isn't great, is there anyway to pick the wood yourself?



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hey buddy, hows things??


as to your stock, i think you'll find the dealers are limited in selections, they can purchase upgrades, but at greater cost to customer, you can yourself request from the maufacturer a better grade of furniture, i got lucky with two of mine but purchased a 3rd stock from a guy who couldnt get on with his, swapped it with a straight, great grain flow.


you cant beat a good bit of furniture on a good gun :huh:




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Speak to GMK Gibby, I know someone who did this, he had to drive down there but they let him pick his.

Not sure if that was a one off or not but it is worth a phone call anyay.


My mate has a SPV and although I don't like the blue/gold metalwork much the wood is awesome - very nice indeed.

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Tanks guys. I've just phoned GMK and they said the best they could do was to send the nicest that they have in at the time. But i'm worried what they like i may not. Think it will mean a bit of waiting around for the right one. I want it to be something different for the game shooting as the Gold E looks too modern.


Cheers for replies.



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