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Bigamy is it a crime ?

jonno 357

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Bigamy is punishable by up to seven years in prison in UK


But is you marry a sweetheart from another country you can even claim benefits for her too living in another country


Its amazing living in Rubbish Britain and I didn't even mention the M word :good:


Im off to Mecca get get a **** load of wives and bring them over of student or tourist visa's



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Huh - you'll be claiming benefits for all them wives and a bundle of kids too then? Still we can obviously easily afford it. :good:


Next thing you'll start saying you want us all to adopt a different religion - and since you can make four kids to our one you'll soon have enough people over here to form an army and exterminate those that don't want to have their foreskins removed. why not make it compulsory to have them pop in to a few large halls here and there a few times a day so you can tell them things in secret.


All the time you and your brats will claim benefits which will help you to bankrupt our country.


Shame non of our politicians aint got the sense to see it like that.

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