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Lurchers and Terriers on Goatss


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Hopefully this comes out, a good day after goats around 45 minutes from where I live. Most were shot after bailed up by dogs, although they have caught a few. A collie cross is ideal, the guys here that hunt them for the government, use eye and heading dogs as they aren't allowed a dog that grabs them.


So mine would not get the job :lol:;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Mags on way shortly mate, you can come over my way anytime you want, entry at customs is a Bedlington Greyhound in Pup, have one of those under your arm and I'd wave you on through ;) :blink:

The best thing about NZ is all these animals I hunt are major pests that destroy our native forests and no-one cares about them being destroyed, the more the better in fact B) Goats are a real problem here as well, though they are probably easier to keep under control than Possoms are. In some areas it would not be uncommon to see mobs of a hundred or more.

The guys that hunt for DOC (department of conservation) use heading dogs to bail the goats up and then they just sneek in and pop them with .22 magnum or .223 or similar. They can take out more with bailing dogs as opposed to dogs that kill the goats themselves as often they can't recover them, they need the tails as evidence of a kill. The dogs are most valuable for indicating the goats presence and alerting the shooter and also recovering the dead animal.

Regards KiwiDogman.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nice looking dog mate, I reckon it would do the job ok. Was out this morning looking for a pig or possom, got onto some fresh pig sign as I was heading back to the vehicle. The dogs were keen but nothing turned up, maybe a bit late finding the sign, they had been in the area for some time I reckon judging by the amount of sign around, just have to find where they are living.


I hunt possoms as well, which I pluck and sell the fur, which is quite valuable now, I get $75 a kilo for the fur, which is around 25pounds. I get a few rabbits and hares but not that many really, the areas that have rabbits and hares are hard for the dogs to get them, still good fun though.

Yeh I usually eat the pigs I get if the dogs have not chewed them too much, get it made into bacon and pickled pork, hams ect and sell some to peoplel I know helps pay vet bills!!

Many of you guys get deer with your dogs, I know it is a bit of a tabo subject, I would love to have a go, mine have got onto them a couple of times but not caught any yet.

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I'm hopeing he's going to do the biz. this season , he will be 2 backend of next feb. So as such we've just been going on the rabbits , no problems there .

We've been getting fit , well i say we , he's been getting fit by running along side of the quad , me i'm a lazy toad an like to sitdown a lot ;) .

Couple of weeks time we'll be into the hares , back end of the year time for stuff that fights back a bit . If all goes to plan . Looking forward to some good course's hopefully .

The boy seems to be game enough , i'll let you know if he can cut it in the big grown up world .



all the best yis yp :yp:

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