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A little advice please


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Hi, im looking for information on rifles. The problem i have is i dont know where to start at the moment i havnt applied for a fac but in the next 6 months or so i would like to. i want every possile peice of information i can aquire to help the process. so here goes,my uncle has a 3500 acre shooting estate of which i have rights ot shoot there. i would ideally like a gun that will be a good all rounder. i understand that when shooting deer there is certain regulations. also what to the letters at the end of the caliber stand for e.g. hmr, wmr and so on.


can anyone point me in the right direction at what i should be looking at.


finally,it will mainly be rabbits and occasionally fox.



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I would suggest you find your nearest shooting club and gain some experience of a variety of rifles before you let yourself loose on the unsuspecting fauna of your uncles estate. Tap into someone locally who can take you under their wing and teach you how to go on (There'll be someone on here near you). You may like to return the compliment by having them shoot on your estate from time to time. I'm sure your uncle wouldn't mind if you were larning to shoot safely.


Join BASC or the equivalent, that will get you insured. Don't even think about deer until you are confident with firearms and can consistently shoot into 4" targets and be able to consistently put shots into 2" (rabbit head shots) with both .22 and .17. Know the kill zones of the animals you want to shoot. Even though its a massive estate, know your backstops and what constitutes a safe shot. Bear in mind that you may exchange invites to people who might not have extensive land to make mistakes on.


.22rf, .17hmr and either .223 (assuming you'll be shooting deer in Scotland only) or .243 for the fox and deer.


Above all else, enjoy the sport and be safe.

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cheers for the advice, the shooting on the estate is rented out but on the conditions family get it whenever. i have also got friendly with one of th frequent shooters so im going to try and get a day with them. i was just wanting advice and i know alot of people on here are frequent rifle shooters.


im a member of basc already.


we dont have a rifle club near to us unfortunately.

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Will you ever want to shoot the Deer? If so, you need a minimum of a .243 (to save us getting technical). The police are unlikely to allow a .243 for vermin and it would also cost a fortune to run, so you will need two guns. What sort of ranges will you need to be hitting the Rabbits at?

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at that distance an fac airrifle would do you fine,but no good for foxes.a.22 rimfire be ok to,but got to be carefull with rick osheas ,but would be fine for foxes too at thoses distances,but personally would only shoot a fox with .22 at no further than 50 yds to make sure of clean kill. :yes:



But only if fox is on ya ticket :yes:

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