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Steel outbuildings...

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Is there a set size/capacity you are allowed before you need to go down the planning permission route? Our permission is looking to erect a new outbuilding to replace the old one they had to pull down before it fell down. They have been quoted over £8k for a block work one. I have seen a few on a well known auction site for a lot less that are steel framework ones with sides and front. Basically whatever spec you want for a lot less than the cost of bricks and mortar. It could be erected far quicker, last just as long and probably look a lot better than concrete blockwork. Another upside is the maintenance. Not a load to do to them other than basic greasing and checking.


As they used to have an old building there anyway and don't want the new one any bigger, would they get away without planning permission for a steel one? I suggested a steel frame style one as it would look a lot better and be cheaper but also once up it could be adapted internally for either the cows or sheep once a few backwalls have been put in to prevent the animals kick damaging the panelwork.


the one I was looking at is Item number: 150209582441 on said fleabay site.


Is there anybody on here who supplies these or knows of anyone in the trade who could sort us one out for a fair price?





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I work in construction and to my knowledge, as long as you don't encrouch any further than the original footprint of the building and as long as it is in keeping with the surrounding area and/or a change of the original building's use, then you should be alright. It is worth just asking somebody from your local planning department though in a roundabout manner, just state that you have an old building that has fallen or about to fall down and that you would like to replace with Steel sheet building, then they should give you an answer (Hopefully the one you want).


The danger of just doing it anyway is that if you have people that can overlook the building, they might complain which would cause untold additional expense of taking said new building down and then applying for planning permission.


Watch out for N.I.M.B.Y's (Not In My Back Yard)

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We are fortunate that the nearest neighbour is over a mile away almost and over a hill. :good:


However, a footpath does run about 50 yards away from where the building will be erected. Potential moaners there maybe.


Cheers SS.


I'll try to double check this tomorrow when I am in work with some colleagues. On the footpath side of things, I know my wifes uncle tried to do something similar and had to put a notice on the footpath, which strangely enough people who didn't live anywhere near complained about the fact that he wanted to erect a building (Timber or Steel) to house his Farm machinery and/or hay harvest in.



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the only answer is call your local council planning department and check with them. There are so many vaguaries with conservation areas and different county policies that you need to check with the right people. Should just be the one call

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Cheers guys. The planning dept have been called today to see if a replacement steel building will need planning or not. They have offered to send someone round to have a look at what is wanted and where it is to be sited next week as they have a guy close by looking at another farm's planning request. Fingers crossed. :lol:

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