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cherish the elders


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As i have mentioned in an earlier post I have my 93 yr old grandad to stay with me for a while. It is the first time in years I have spoken to him and tonight he has drank me under the table as well as be being the wittiest raconteur I have ever had the good fortune to meet. He is a war hero as well as being honourary president of several berkshire golf clubs as well as numerous channel island golf clubs. He served 60yrs in the army 25 of which where setting up the army benevolent fund. It was a reminder to me as I hope this will be to you that if you have any elderly relatives, go and see them and treat them like royalty, cause once they are gone, they are gone.


P.S Apart from David Niven he is the only person I have ever met who spells ****** off with two R's

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well said there jim,i must admit it the respect that i was taught from my parents seems to be lacking in the youth of today .


and before all you younger pups start chomping at the bit ,i will add that its probably the lack of disapline that my generation instilled in our kids, that is the fault of all of us ,and i take my share of the blame .


i remember walking down the street as a youth and moving into the road to let an elder pass through , "respect" nowadays ive seen many a door closed in the face ,heard many an insult to a slower moving older person in a line up stugling with shoping or bags or whatever,and many an older person pushed out of the way ,how many times do you hear of an old couple beaten and or mugged for a few bucks in the purse .


makes you sick dont it .


my grandmother (mums mum) was the last of my GP'S when i came home from canada the last year she had gone into a home ,unfortunatly unable to cope herself , i took my 2 boys to visit for probably the last time ,we sat and talked about times gone by ,when she suddenly asked me how i was doing in work ??

i told her fine and jokingly offered her a job as a cleaner when she got out ,she sat quietly for a while ,which i took as being tired,then asked me what bus she should take to get to my shop here in edmonton alberta canada, and how long was the ride :lol: got to say i laughed and cried at the same time ,

love you gran where ever you are now xxxxx.



sorry to go on ,but to reiterate what jimd said once they're gone they're gone.

good on you jimd.


god bless ,



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I may be a young whippersnapper in some eyes at a mere 24 years young, but I like to think the even in my rebel teen years I held my elders in high regard. I still do as my gran tells me when she tells me. I'm just shy of 6' and 14 1/2 stone shes about 5' 2" and 7 stone soaking wet (shes smaller than my dog), when she loses her temper I still duck!! I always hold doors open for people and will happily give up my seat for an elderly person. It's the way I was brought up and like to think it is the way i will pass on to my children when they arrive.





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