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Radio Five Live on now - Discussion on teaching kids to shoot


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All kids as soon as they are able to hold a gun should be taught the safe way of shooting initially at targets, be they clay or paper before they progress onto live quarry in the form of rabbit, squirrel, pigeon.


As long as it is done in a sensible manner, then you will find more kids growing up with respect for not only others, but themselves. Even more so if they know they can put food on their plate with freshly shoot, healthy wholseome food such as pigeon or rabbit, not to mention game in all its forms.


My eldest has been shooting with Air rifles since she was six and has recently progressed onto using a .410, all of which are on clays or targets, not live quarry. She comes out with me sometimes when I go pigeon shooting or rabbiting, knows how to kill an injured animal humanely and also knows it will end up on her plate if shot, netted, caught by me as well as how to prepare it to put on the plate.


The youngest will be following suit as soon as she is old enough (About to turn 2 this week).


As for either of them getting their own licenses to shoot, well it all depends on them. I won't force either to carry on shooting as much as I would love them to, but if they decide they want to carryon then I have no problems because at the end of the day neither would be going out without me anyway until they were 16 and had their own permission or member of a club being supervised by adults.



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Good on you, Suffolk Shooter and very well said!


I fired my first shot from Grandad's 12 gauge at the tender age of 8. It was 50+ years ago, he padded my shoulder and used a squib cartridge (hand loaded, BP).


I can still remember the thrill when the cowpat splattered!


That was it for me - I have been a shooter ever since.


Sadly, my own children have not yet taken up the torch - but they are belatedly showing signs of interest.


My grand-daughter however is mad keen and has already taken one of her airgun targets to school - much to the consternation of the somewhat PC staff.


Again good on you!



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