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car tax


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Hi Gents,

I took the young lad out on my permission yesterday to try to bag a few pigeons and as has been the norm recently I saw nowt. Not a single sodding bird

coming home after our miserable mission the car just stops dead on the by-pass. Timing belt gone. Mare. So I am going to scrap the car as it is a miserable sack of **** that I now hate more than ever.

To make matters worse while waiting for the AA man (V.Nice) the field on which we overlooked was absolutely rotten with pigeons eating clover. I have never seen so many in one place.

i have just put 6 months on the *** and want it back. How do I do this and how long does it take etc etc.



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Send your tax disc to the DVLA, there is a form you can print out on line which you need to complete.


You'll also need to notify it as SORN using the proper form, or scrap it and notify them using the V5 at the same time as you send in your claim.


IIRC It's all at www.dvla.gov.uk


It doesn't take long.



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Taz, The post offices are all closing :(



Just nip to your local post office.

It may be quicker to drive to outer Mogolia :rolleyes:


Because the only post office left open

is in London, obviously means that the service is

better for you. Can't you see when you are well


By closeing all the post offices except the ones

in big cities the autorities can deliver better services

through those post offices, you don't know how lucky

you are to have a govenment that looks after the needs

of us all :lol::P:D




Cheers taz

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