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ebay idiots


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If you just search his user name you get a link to this website so might just have been him seeing what people were saying about him and found this thread.


Wouldn't worry about it, I very much doubt this guy is any kind of hacking genius just some low life pleb who can't earn a decent living without ripping others off..... and yes this means you lobsteradam if you're still reading. I doubt you'll get far in life continuing with this.

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His comments do not make pretty reading.

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i have also been wripped offf by lobsteradam!!!!!!! he must be a shooter as i bought !!!!sorry thought i bough a sight off him, but you guessed it ,,, it never came :good::good: wat a *****


some one suggested sending a yellow pages,,,, if he starts getting silly things trough the post and to his door,,,i guess he just best pick up the bill :good: cement lorry, pizza, chines :good:


i will always remember one of my mates( he got stiffed on ebay and found out the guys address and posted hime a very unplesent gift) poo poo in a box and it didnt stop there, oh no :good: he also got a few more gifts from god :yes: ,,,, but then my mate got dun off the old bill :welcomeani:

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why they do it i just dont know i mean what a total retard to think he will get away with it for ever im really p***** off though as i need this bass rod for a comp thats coming up so if any one has a bass rod they wanna sell plase see my ad in the wanted section :welcomeani:

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