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Phantom preggers??


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I think my springer is having a phantom after her first time coming into season a few months ago. Im just worried as she is producing milk from her teats. Not bucket loads but noticeable nipples.


Im not sure if this is natural? Or if i should do anything?


First time owning a bitch you see. Any information welcome,


Many thanks


Alex :yes:


P.s she is just over a year old.

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Watch out if you had have a cat about.

This happened wit hmy first spaniel, Cat took the milk off her and just from 1 nipple.


This went on for several years with the bitch tearing up her bedding each time and then feeding the cat. In the end she had 1 nipple that was nearly an 1" long :yes:


Also got to watch out for any hard lumps that for as it can cause mastitis



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As above - if she starts to produce milk you have to be careful. If the milk hardens then i think it's a trip to the vets.


There is a herbal supplement which you can give her to help with this but I forget what it is, i'll consult my mate whose lab is forever having phantoms.


Don't let her gather toys or trample around making nests - generally just try and distract her from any of the behaviours associated with the phantom and be aware that she may go off her food.

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hi F B

my springer had one after her first season.

in the end we took her to the vets .

who gave us some tablets to stop it .

with in a day or two she was back to normal.

the reason we took her was because she was starting to get aggressive towards sammy are other dog.

shes just finished her second one a few weeks back .and so far everything seems ok .

but we have decided to get her done within the next few weeks .

hope your little one is ok and dont have to rough a time .

but if you are worried get her check out .if only to put your mind at rest


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my oldest spaniel had a few phantoms . one time she had to have ome stuff from the vets as she was producing loads of milk


but this really ****** up her seasons took over a year to have another .


up the exercise and less food works apparently to dry up the milk , and keep there minds off nesting






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Cheers guys for all your help= She certainly has gone off her food, and is producing some milk. I think a trip to the vets may be in order just to check it out, although i hate the vets, not only because of the price, but because i get all dizzy.


Blasted things, If its not vehicles its your pets.



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