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first kill with rifle


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got my first kill today, but it was in the name of kindness, not food or sport. my cat got hold of a woody in the neighbours garden, and he ask me if i could catch the bird as it was suffering badly. after a bit of running round, i decided not to frighten the thing any more and went for the webley. remembering the post earlier about hitting them in the neck, i loaded and gave it my best shot. a straight kill. bagged and binned. even though it was not how i wanted to do it, i was a bit pleased that it did the job :blush:

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well all you have to do now is take the meat of the chest and give it to the cat after all if it wasnt for the cat you would not of got presented with the shot


cheers ham, but as the wife was watching with disgust, it had to be bagged and binned before she started crying. can you imagine me stripping it in front of her :blush:

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Good job done then, well done! How did the neighbour take to it?


Now's the time to get the wifey used to the idea! Get those feathers off and cook it up for the cat! Now it's dead, what does it matter what happens to it? In fact, better to make use of it than waste it IMO :D


My other half is a veggie. She loves animals and can't stand to see them being killed or hurt. After major discussion she knows why Vermin needs to be controlled or Deer numbers need reducing. She still can't watch me shoot anything but can deal with (or at least not be upset by) a pile of dead things, guts and blood in the sink when I get home. She admits it's better that I make use of the life I've taken than throw it away because she doesn't like the look of it.


The more people we can get to understand the background of our sport, the more chance it will have of surviving. If shooting is banned, things will still need controlling. How is another matter. Poison? Gassing? Trapping? Most of these make the meat inedible, yet the creature still dies.


Sorry about me rambling on. It's great you've taken your first quarry and can see how it was a good thing. A great thought too to save the bird any more suffering. Happy hunting for the future :blush:

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its not rambling on mate, its offering sound advise. :good: i just dont think should would be ready for that yet, although she did show some interet when i cleaned some fish on holiday. also, needed to get back to cleaning the garden, and dint want the wrath of the angry wife.

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