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Question regarding borrowing shotguns..

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Evening all,


Quite a baffling question ( for me anyway ) I've come to ask,


A female friend of mine who shoots clays recently aquired her SGC ( today infact ) and wants to go to a shoot at the weekend, Can she take me along with one of my dads shotguns ? ( my dad has both SGC and FAC )


I've no idea on the rules regarding borrowing the guns !






P.S my SGC still hasn't turned up !

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I believe that someone with a SGC can borrow someone else's gun for up to 72 hours (3 days and nights) before having to inform the police. Wait for someone else to chime in though as I'm not 100%... :good:


:good: yup but she has to have secure storage etc :lol:

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Thanks v.much for the replys gents, :lol:


So just to clarify..


Dad has a full SGC and FAC with secure storage


Friend has full SGC and secure storage


Friend can borrow dads shotgun ( which is on his license ofcourse ) and I can shoot it at the clay ground provided my friend is within speaking distance ( speaking as an example :good: )


Ta. :good:

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