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first shoot report. coffee break story.


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well as promised here`s the lowdown on how i got on on friday.

go get a coffee and make yourselves comfortable.


picked mate colin (the hired confidence booster) up and got there about 6.30pm.

went to see the owner of the land to get something in wrighting and to check on where he wanted us to go.

sorted out guns, torch, bags, knife etc and locked the car. :hmm:


the land is seperated into about 10 fields, used for grazing mostly.

some fields are empty some not.

we picked three small areas that back onto coppice.


the first field we walked past had rabbits munching away quite happily,

colin told me to get on with it, and ribbed me about not having gun loaded already.


i wanted to get a bit more comfortable with the idea though., and dump bags etc somewhere.


when sorted we walked round the fields , i thought quietly, but the rabbits we saw heard us first and scarpered.

that told me it wasn`t going to be as easy as i thought. :/


we had come to the last corner,through a tree tunnel leading onto bushes on the left, nearby some carts.

i crept round the corner, there behind the carts and gate were 3 more. :lol:

i got into position on the cart and sighted the first bunnie, it ******** off.

the other 2 were wise to me now,

sighted the 2nd, this one must have got spooked and it disapeared to.


so , this last one is sitting on its haunches listning , but didn`t move,

i sighted,

it didn`t move,

it was only little, part of me wanted it to go,

but i knew this was the shot that would make or break me.

was i realy up to it? :lol:


yep. :lol:


got it in the neck.

colin climbed the gate and finished it off with his pistol.

8.25 pm


this one was too little to bother with the fur or meat so it went into a nettle patch.


one down 20,000 to go.


now i`m feeling a bit more confident , so i wandered off looking to my right,

i see through a gate into another field there`s loads of them.

i spy colin sighting a little group so decide to go it alone.


there`s 2 quite near the edge of this field, i have to walk down an overgrown track to get anywhere near.


sight one, it runs,

sight the 2nd, must be deaf.


shoot, no response. what?

it just laid it`s head down,

no it`s not moving, so i start to climb through the fence, thats when the twitching starts,

oh my stomach be still.!!! :lol::mad:


got another head shot in.

thats better .

9.07 pm


this one is bigger, worth keeping.

took this one to show colin, before paunching.

not looking forward to this bit either.


gutted loads of rabbits, but no warm ones.


oh do i realy have to think about that ,





colin didn`t have any luck with his gang, and as it was getting dark, and have an hour and half drive home

we decided to call it quits.


thats when my stomach decided to give up the mc donalds we had earlier. :mad:


but i could always put that down to the stomach bug i`d picked up from my daughter.


so there you have it .


first shoot, 2 bunnies.

one in the freezer.

skin drying in the kitchen. ;)


permission granted to go back.



have you finished your coffee?

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skin is drying nicely , will put with the others from this years re-enactments to tan over the winter.


staglioni ,

look through the crafts section , you`ll find people dry, cure, tan furs in loads of different ways.


and for loads of different uses.


cheers for all the positive feedback,

stomach bug is clearing up as well. :mad:

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