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Gun stock care

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How do most of you guys routinely care for you wooden gun stocks? I am not sure how to keep mine in good condition.


Are their any products that you specifically use or techniques I should know about? I had a look on the internet but all stock care products are designed to give a glossier finish or change the stain of the wood, I am happy with my stock just the way it is but I want to know what to do to keep it in good condition. :rolleyes:


I look forward to reading your feedback





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Thanks alot for your feedback, This may sound stupid but I dont know if my stock is varnished or oiled, is there any way I can tell?


Sorry about the stupid questiones, but as you have prob noticed I know nothing about wood :good:


I will try some beeswax polish, that sounds like it would work.


take the forend stock off, inside where no-one can see take a razor blade or penknife and scrape a small area, if varnish you will see it's scrapings come of semi transparent as it crushes, if oiled you will see small amounts of grain and stain on the blade.

normaly you can see the difference externaly, the sheene on the wood looks to good to be natural if laquered.

thats about the only way i can describe, i dont have a stock i can attack for you and photo at the mo.



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