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Deer everywhere


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Taken last night and this morning, with a camera phone so no zoom as it wrecks the image.

In the last 24 hours without even trying I must have seen a dozen roe, one the ones on my rabbit only permission with the best head I have seen for a while - oh well . .


This was yesterday evening, I was stood at the gate watching the pigeons, when I realised I was being watched as well :good:


You might need to squint a bit to see it, it is at the back of the shadow.




And then this morning on the dog walk, this buck was about 20 feet away, looked up me as I got my phone out, and dipped his head just as I took the picture and carried on feeding.

Again you have look quite hard, he is to the right of the tree in the foreground.



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Time to get the Musket out instead of the camera :hmm:

To be pefectly honest I like seeing them about, we see up 3 on the dog walks - sounds odd from someone who stalks, but I was quite saddened when I saw a high seat up against one of the trees.

But I am fairly sure that was to shoot the foxes as it is a keepered partridge/pheasant shoot, all threse are still about anyways.

I think it just goes to show it isn't all about killing, it is about management, the population is thin enough to not cuase anyone any concern.

The permission I mentioned is actually a very big 'back garden' they like seeing the roe and if I lived there I would too, shooting the buck would be very easy but apart from the head, a bit pointless.

The muntjac on the other hand :good:



Bob, blow the image up, if that doesn't help get yourself along to Specsavers

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Time to get the Musket out instead of the camera :hmm:

To be pefectly honest I like seeing them about, we see up 3 on the dog walks - sounds odd from someone who stalks, but I was quite saddened when I saw a high seat up against one of the trees.

But I am fairly sure that was to shoot the foxes as it is a keepered partridge/pheasant shoot, all threse are still about anyways.

I think it just goes to show it isn't all about killing, it is about management, the population is thin enough to not cuase anyone any concern.

The permission I mentioned is actually a very big 'back garden' they like seeing the roe and if I lived there I would too, shooting the buck would be very easy but apart from the head, a bit pointless.

The muntjac on the other hand :good:



Bob, blow the image up, if that doesn't help get yourself along to Specsavers

Specsavers sell venison now? S'truth!

I have to admit that I agree with everything that you have said, (apart from blowing the image up, you could have done that before you posted it!) and it's not all about killing, when I had a flight pond a few years back, I used to shoot six duck, then just sit back watching them dropping in and feeding, it was as much pleasure as the actual shooting.

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I totally agree with both of you, its not always about pulling the trigger - My father was a gamekeepr, and he never shot any of his own pheasants, partridge etc (He Just couldn't do it to birds he had reared from day old) - Its also nice to just sit/stand and watch as the worlrd goes by somedays

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I totally agree with both of you, its not always about pulling the trigger - My father was a gamekeepr, and he never shot any of his own pheasants, partridge etc (He Just couldn't do it to birds he had reared from day old) - Its also nice to just sit/stand and watch as the worlrd goes by somedays

Yes, it's surprising how many gamekeepers that I have met who won't shoot 'their own' birds, but have no problem watching others do it!

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