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pigeon shooting over rape


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decide to get out pigeon shooting for the day today been shooting a small field that has had the barley cut about two week ago.in the last couple of week ive shot around 100 pigeons of it but ive been going after work and shooting around 20-25 a time. anyhow notice the pigeons have started hitting the wheat so me and a m8 went out blasting beetween us we managed 121 birds but have lost a hell of a lot in the brook and wheat. managed to shoot 5 pairs and everytime my dog would find 1 and not the other managed to pick up 85 so im really pleased could of done with a few more hands set in different areas as we had a steady flow of birds allday anyway heres apic of me and george


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no there hitting the barley field that has been cut and dropping into some large flat spots in the wheat fields next to the barley there crops are full of wheat and barley seeds the rape fields seem to be ok at the mo not seen asmany on the rape as the wheat just seen i put rape it was meant to be wheat

Edited by SPARKIE
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