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Rust spots


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I need to remove some rust spots from the outside of the barrels of a side by side.


Someone (Peter Peter/Cranfield) has already recommended using 0000 gauge steel wool soaked in oil.


Does this remove any blacking in the process? I am very keen to retain the blacking of the barrels as it is currently in very good condition.


All advice/suggestions greatly appreciated.





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Even the finest grade of wire wool is still mildly abrasive so it will remove the blacking at the same time as it removes the rust.

If the rust spots are only small and you have a steady hand I would suggest that you try scraping off the worst of the rust before you try the steel wool. Try using something like a wooden lolly stick before you resort to metal scrapers.

The longer you soak it for before trying to remove it, the better.


Good luck. :good:



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Yes they are quite small, max 2mm across, seems odd that they have managed to break through the very good blacking. they are also quite far apart and not concentrated at any one point.


Thank-you for all advice.



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