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First of all im sure there are many of us who can't wait for Webley to release the Accupell at what we can only hope is as good as before BUT the question im asking is....


Accupell or Powerpell? Im assuming Accupell are called ACCUpell for a reason. (accuracy incase you didn't cotton on) and powerpell the same. I've never been a fan of pointed pellets but are they worth a try?



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When I was shooting my air rifle the Webley Axsor seemed to love accupels. They just hit the same spot over and over and over again. I should sell that outfit since it isn't in use any more, but it really was a great combination. Actually, one of my farmers wanted me to shoot rabbits in his garden last time I went. I was reluctant to use the HMR around his house though I did go and take a look to be a bit obliging. The axsor and a few accupels would have done the job in style, but I just couldn't let of the HMR about his garden.

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thanks for the replies guys. Im looking into getting an AA S200 (maybe S410 if i can stretch the cash) soon so i will probably end up using AA pellets anyway. From what i hear thats what all AA users tend to end up with. But i really have loved the Accupells up to date! Very consistent.

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thanks for the replies guys. Im looking into getting an AA S200 (maybe S410 if i can stretch the cash) soon so i will probably end up using AA pellets anyway. From what i hear thats what all AA users tend to end up with. But i really have loved the Accupells up to date! Very consistent.


True, I got a tin AA fields (.22) when I bought my s410, I then spent a small fortune on a large number of different brands of pellets. After a long process of trying them all, I ended up back at square one with the AA fields, they produced the best groupings at short, mid, and long ranges. :rolleyes:

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