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get a trap gun for "trap" disciplines like balltrap skeet dtl abt etc etc it shoots higher than a sporter which your semi-autos will be meaning when you pull the trigger you should see the whole clay rather than putting the bead in the middle of it. :yp: if you dont shoot trap i wouldnt bother. and i shoot my sporter for everything and have shot 99 ex 100 on dtl trap disciplines.

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With the exception that I would not use a trap gn for skeet.


Whether to buy a trap gun really depends on how seriously you want to shoot trap, if it is something you are going to do once in a while then I wouldn't bother, just put some tighter chokes in your sporter (if it is multichoke). If you are going to be shooting it regularly and want to progress in it then I would buy a trap gun.


Although it is entirely your choice, and others may disagree with me, if I was in your situation I would think about buying a sporterised miroku trap gun. Ideal for skeet/sporting, and has that balance and pointability for trap. B)

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Hello Mike,

Pesonally I think you need to look at a sporter, as quoted earlier you can compensate shooting trap with a sporter, I too have shot very well at dtl with my sporter. If shooting sporting/skeet with a trap gun you would be over top of everything. But as you said you like sporting as well, it would be the better all rounder in my (humble opinion) I have done alot of clay shooting in my time, and i even used my sporter for my game shooting. So in generel if you want to specialize in trap get a trap, but if you you want a good all rounder get a sporter. Hope it is of some help.

Regards Mike.

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With every trap gun i have ever picked up, I have been looking half way down the rib as they are desinged to shoot high thats what i would expect. Every skeet gun i have handled has been flat as a witches ***. So i apologise if i am wrong. My sporter is flat ( ie my line of sight is directly from the breech all the way down the barrell ) and so are the others that i have shot, which is what you want, so as to see the clay on top of ya barrels.

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