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'Undercover Mosque...'

Floating Chamber

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That programme was designed to shock and to a certain extent it did. Want something else to worry about?

The next potential vice president of the USA is a creationist. I agree with DF (For once). Religion is just breeding ground for hate and extremism

Edited by Trussman
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truss, all I am saying is there are a very large element within the moslem faith who are hell bent on causing as much division they can between them and everyone else, it's gone on record in America, islam is not there to be a religion it is their to be The Religion.


Regarding me not accepting the faith of islam that is because the other religions like the Christians, Catholics, Jewish, Jehovah Witnesses and others do not behave in a voilent manner in the same way that islam treats other faiths.


Not all religions are a breeding ground for hate and extremism but I know one which is.

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It seems to me, there is one law for moslems and they don't care about it but if we step out of line, we know about it, not that I would say this but If I said, I think all other religions or it's followers should be stoned or thrown of mountains or have their hands and feet chooped off or called kuffirs, I would be sectioned or charged with inciting racial hatred or on religious grounds, for the record I accept all other religions except for the faith of islam.

This country needs to wake up before it's too late.


I know quite a few Muslims. They're all perfectly normal people. Your condemnation of Islam is based upon a few religious extremists. None of the Muslims I know wish to convert or murder me


I agree with this. I know muslim people who are perfectly nice and moderate, but there are extremists and there are many many more who have sympathy with them. Furthermore there are hundreds of thousands who have made not the slightest attempt to integrate into British society and have done everything possible to import whatever way of life they had before. This is mostly OUR FAULT. It would be natural if no one told you otherwise to try and just do as you did before you came here. It is OUR PATHETIC POLITICIANS who accepted the pyjama clad men and black shrouded women wearing masks, the total unwillingness to learn English and become English, or British, the huge dependency culture that leaves most Pakistani women collecting dole, when everyone knows they had no intention whatever of ever taking a job. My wench is a GP and she sees dozens of these people every day. They mostly don't speak any English, or precious little, they don't work, they do collect the dole, they come in asking for everything free, including prescriptions for calpol rather than just buying it like any of us would, they have made no contribution whatever to this country's well being, they fill up our maternity beds and we are shafted, day in and day out by this group. Now - like I said, there are many decent folks among the community who HAVE INTEGRATED fine, just like my ancestors did here at the end of the nineteenth century, but there are too many who do not - oh - and while I am about it, just why exactly is it that when one of their young people is old enough to get married, they have to marry a cousin in Pakistan, and why is it that they are allowed to marry some goat boy or village girl always who doesn't speak a word of English and can't get a job in the mainstream world when he or she comes - not that many of the women have jobs anyway.


Enough - I'm starting to rant like an old ***.

Edited by Evilv
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