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2 more firearms application questions


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Sorry to keep going on about this , just two questions :


1) when you are filling out your ammount of bullets you want to posess for your new caliber, say hypothetically your getting a .223 , would you add in the spaces provided your old calibers that you already posess, say a .17 hmr with say 500 bullets even if your not changing the bullet quantities :good:


2) If your applying for a variation , are the calibers added onto your old certificate so say my certificates are still coterminous or once my variation goes through, (hopefully) will that give me a new expiry date and my certificates will no longer be coterminous?! :hmm:


Thanks in advance, these forms are waay to complicated for my liking!

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I don't really understand your first question, but you don't have to tell them what allowances you already have unless you want to change them. You do need to tell them how much of each calibre ammo you currently hold.


2) when your FAC comes back it will have the same expiry date on it as it does now, it will not be renewed just varied.

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