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Rob G

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One day there was this young welsh lad out ploughing his fields,while he was sitting down having his dinner along came the vicar.'Good day young man,may i ask why you have left those two patches of grass out in the middle of the field'.The young lad replied 'the one on the left is where i had my first ever sexual experience,the one on the right 20yards away is where her mother stood'.'OH MY whatever did she say' said the vicar.'bbaaaaarrrrrrr 'replied the young lad :thumbs:

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class :P when you first said Ploughing i thought someone had heard from where you guys are about when someone i knew's father(going back 40years) was ploughing a field.. and to open the field up. instead of lining up on a house or fencing post he lined up on a cow in the field next door.. i've got a pic of the first open up of the field.. as the cow moved so did he steer the tractor in its direction.. the field is ploughed with a massive curve in the field. :thumbs: :blink: ;)



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