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Help tip offs any info


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Hi every one

I am trying to gain some permission around the Redditch Area for Shotguns and air rifle. I have got full insurance. I am not being lazy or expecting it just too fall in my lap but could anybody give me any information or tip me off of any land i may be able to get on for just one day a week will travel up to 30 to 40 mile. I have been door knocking on the telephone and sent out over fifty begging letters printed over 100 calling cards i have done the lot and i will keep on trying. My job has stopped me catching the farmers at the right time.

I just want to get out and do a bit.

So once again if any body can point me in the right direction i would be very great full I am just after a couple of decent sized permissions around 30 to 40 mile around the Redditch area.


Many thanks

Edited by JayDJones
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I live your way and must of tried everywhere i can think of and I am still looking.

I have even had to do some work for a few farmers for my job but they say the same thing. They either have someone already or shoot the land themselves, they have taken my cards but I haven't heard from them.


Within 15 minutes drive from me there are about 12 golf courses I know its best to speak to them face to face but they are members only sorts of places so I wrote to them all.

In total all the letters I wrote I have had 0 replies.


I am trying to speak to farmers face to face, I don't like to knock the door but if I see one I will ask, its just being there at the right time.


Maybe we are just to near the city and have to travel further but I don't want to get somewhere so far away and not be able to get back often.


I am just going to keep trying, maybe we could try a few places together we might have better luck.


If I manage to find anywhere I will give you a pm.




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