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I haven't had one for a while but i loved my old Lanber MC, I've got a Bettinsoli sideplate MC at the moment which used to be the missus's gun. When i sold all my best guns i kept that as a pigeon gun and it's not bad at all, looks the part, reasonably well made for the price, but i still miss the old Lanber, even more than all the Berettas and Brownings, no idea why, it just suited me and handled really well.

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I count myself very lucky - my first proper gun was a 16 bore Webley. It was my grandfathers and adjusted to fit me.

My advice is not to get caught up with nice lookers, but to search out a good local gunsmith who just might have a bargain tucked away in the corner. An experienced eye will know what will suit you and find you a gun that you can shoot well with. Ideally try something before you buy, be it a side by side, automatic or over and under. Make sure you are clear on your requirements, e.g. what you want to shoot and explain this to your dealer. Don't just pick something off the shelf that looks nice and think it will be perfect.

Enjoy shotgunning, it will give you many years of fun and games!

Edited by Whitebridges
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