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Right, my mates dad has agreed to let me keep a shotgun at his house and put it on his certificate. So, if decided to start looking now. The spec may be a bit technical for some of you :rolleyes: , but here goes:

It must be 12 bore

It must have 2 barrels. I don't mind if its s/s or o/u, but would prefer o/u

I couldn't care less about fancy engravings or stupid gold bits

I don't give a damn about chokes (Probably because i have no idea what they are!)

I don't care what the stock is made of

I don't mind a few scrathches, but i don't want it looking like its been dropped off a cliff.

I would prefer and ejector, but i don't mind

If theres anything else i've forgotten i'll post it when i remember!


I'm willing to spend about £200-£300. I should have the dosh in about 3-4 weeks.

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Ive a Laurona 12b s/s non ejector in vgc for £130.

It has 27" barrels and has had little use.


Also enough money left over for 1,000 cartridges and some shooting lessons.

I could get that money in much quicker than 3-4 weeks. Probably about 2! Do you have any pictures i can see? And can you link me to the other gun?

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The Rizzini is on the no. 2 page .

I dont have any pictures but it is in vgc and is tight, i/c and 1/4 choke, 23/4 chambers, you honestly wont find better for the money. The stock is nice looking and has a proffesionly fixed rubber recoil pad on it.


PM for anymore questions if needs be.

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If it's for clay or all round use my Rizzini sporter is a very tidy, reliable gun. If it's for game or rough shooting you can't go wrong with the (As new) Gorosable Sidelock ejector at less than half new price. Both guns are on page 2 of "Buy, sell, or swap") Your not far from me either.

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