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What Shotgun!


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Can anyone out there give me some info on the best type of shotgun for Pigeon Decoying.

I'm not at this moment thinking of cost, just the gun at this time.


I am looking at the type/combination of shotgun.


What would you recommend:

Barrel length: 30", 28", 26".


Choke: Full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/25, ic.


O/u or side by side.


Also what make of gun do you like!


Finally. Do you use No. 6 shot and is it best to load your own.


Many thanks, ROB.

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If you are going to use the gun just for pigeon/crow shooting, then you won't go wrong with a semi-auto (3 shot) Most come as a multi-choke and I use half choke in mine.

Another one you should consider is a O/U Sporter multi- choke. I use 1/2 & 3/4 chokes in mine.

There are many good makes of shotguns out there and there is no need to spend a fortune. I don't bother trying to load my own cartridges.


Hope this helps.



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although if you're thinking of doing any clays you're probably better of with the O/U as they're less hassle at a shooting ground


6s are fine, so are 5s or 7s really.


I can't imagine there's anything to be gained nowadays from rolling your own, especially for standard cartridges.

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