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Another Permission

Browning GTS

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I wish it was always this easy :yp: I have just found a local bucher who will take all of my spare bunnys for a quid each, he said he can not get enough of them :yes: So now i have a outlet for them i went to one of the local golf clubs on the way home and introduced myself and asked if he wanted anyone to do rabbit control? Yes came the reply feel free to come up when ever. So the next question as i want to use my .17 " i will have to let my feo know so he can clear the ground ", answer " thats ok here is my number ". So when i got home rang my feo and said there sould not be a problem as he knows the club and has just got to go and have a look.


I think this shows there is still lots of shooting out there you just have to knock on them doors :good:

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