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Early days for me on this forum , however I did manage a few hours this afternoon with the gun ,


I had been watching the patern from the weekend as Maize harvest was completed ,

The birds were feeding from first light , large groups flighting strait in , Feed and rest in local trees for abot 2 hours ,


Then up and away as if startled , but, as this was a regular patern just how they feed , Then the Crows arive noisy as ever , again feedind and resting ,


around mid day pigeon arive back in small groups 5/6 but feeding tight to a leaward hedge . A few Canadas start to show mid afternoon , making the most of the spilt grains ,


the pigeon disperse to local roost woods to settle for the night , I waited 200yds from a small wood took a couple of birds and lpan for a day on Saturday with a couple of friends ,

I know where I wanf to place my hide now , just need to be first on site ,


Looking forward to some fast sport , [ Life is good!!] POW.

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Well as they say > the best laid plans of mice and men!!! ,


Woke early [ as you do on these days] a light drizzle , NO wind!! , As the shooting is literaly on my doorstep , I watched for a while , coffee in hand , Fewer birds coming in but some!!


Gather the gear , load the 4x4 , kettle on to make the flask , , Phone goes , be the lads I think , not so, number 2 Daughter on my way down with the baby [ 3 montht old, , " can you lookafter her for an hour while mum n I collect a Buggy .


Had this day planned for weeks , but Family comes first ,> 2 hours later , I set off , Not as many pigeon as in the week but still about 300 , Meet the other lads , who traveled 80 mile , they forgot the Decoys !! So back home for more , only to find Number 1 daughter with the other 2 grandkids [ 6 weeks n 4 year old ,


Well as 4 yr old lad and me are as close as it gets , what can I do ?? So we take the Deeks to the lads , and off exploring other woods to keep the birds in the air ! another phone call , "bring him home his dinner is ready , just as we are having fun and not hungry , a few hours later they are off home and I grab the gun to make the best of whats left .



Mid after noon , the lads have pigeon and Canadas , but its quiet decoy wise , so we decide to split and go to a wood apiece , and wait , Not long before they come in thich n fast , guess what , only one box of cartridge !! in the rush > You get the picture , within half an hour only a few cartridge left , [ and not a lot of birds to show , ] , walk back to the other wood to borrow some more ammo ,

He,s short but gives me half a dozen , 20 mins later both out [ Fewer birds than before , ] not the usual ones I use I say ,to cover my bad shooting!! . Then we are joined bt our other mate he.s gone through 3 boxes bettr result but not great , back to the trucks n load up , now dark , , An enjoyable end to a hectic day ,


Does this ever happen to YOU !!!! or is it just ME !!?? My face is glowing , I am waiting for the woodburner to heat the water in the cottage so I can take a well earned bath ,


I LOVE shooting , BUT I love my Family more!! ... POW!

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Family is always first. On old hand gave me this 30 years ago. The birds will always be there but not the kids at 4yrs. Enjoy man.



Yep thats what I thought , besides I could go out tomorrow if I wanted , But other joys call .


I am going Green Laning with a friend to North Wales , Years since I last did this , I look forward to another enjoyable day , POW .

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