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ferreting today


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Went ferreting today for only my second time along with my freind also only his second time. Started off at a golf course ive got permission on and have been shotting with an air rifle on but i didn't have a look before hand to see where the best ground was and after 3 hours i came away with one in the bag, so then we left to go to an orchard we have permission on, the first warren we came to we netted up but missed a couple of holes out and two rabbits escaped through those holes, then when we woved onh to a more wooded area the same happened again because there were so many leaves on the ground we couldn't see all the holes. After that we moved to a long hedgerow and i made doubly sure that all holes were covered the my ferret jill worked these buries for about an hour and a half and it produced four good sized rabbits. On the way back to the car we spotted a great bury in the open and decided to have a quick pop, so we put the equipment down and started to net up but when i reached for my jill she wasn't in the box and the catch was open ********! i say and instead grab my hob and put the collar on him, just as i was about to enter him a rabbit jumps out of one of the holes caught in a net and out pops my jill. All in all a great second time ferreting im learning as i go missed a few due tnets not being set as well as they could've been but oh well im still happy



Edited by kentishsteve
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