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Whining-- is there a cure???.

darren m

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how do you stop it .

At first it he( jack the lab) did,nt do it , then started whining a little , but did,nt really bother me, BUT now he,s whining all the bloody time ( well not quiet all ).

its mainly when i,m away from him , ie in another room , or driving in the car , or sometimes when where out shooting or training , he'll just sit there shaking and whining with excitement .

how do i cure it , i,d like to try and nip it in the bud ( as i should of done when he first started ).


Darren ...

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From your description it sounds like your dog is suffering seperation anxiety! the cure is to ignore the dog when you come home rather than making a big fus and not fussing the dog when you leave. Give it 5 mins at least after you get in the house, ensure the dog has stoped trying to get your atention then call it over and fuss it on your terms not on its. Never let the dog go threw a gap b4 you and pretend to eat from his bowl b4 giving him his dinner. this is all about exerting your authority as boss over the dog. Currently the dog thinks it is its job to look after you that is why it gets stressed when you are seperated!

Well at least that is one view, the remedy works what ever the theory behind it!



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Throw a bucket of cold water over me digga .. :*) :*) :D:/

(I thought your Mrs. was fit :D but your girlfriend :*) :*) :lol::D )



Darren, how old is your dog ??

How long has he been whining ??


You will have to look long term as Dave suggests .. no quick fix mate.

Best of luck, you will need it.


Also try giving him more work, back to basics with YOU in control.

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he,s 19 months old now.

i dont think its the seperation thing all the time , alot of it is excitement and enthusiasim i,m guessing, especially when he's locked on to a rabbit or pheasent , he sits shaking and whining await my command .


Any more tips please....

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Nowt to loose .. and everthing to gain !!



at 19 month you may be able to get on top of him but the 'fault' will allways be just under the surface.


Did either parent whine ??

Do you know any pups from his litter ??


Get him off game and onto dummies.

Get him out EVERY day, morning and night ..

Don't let him retrieve everything .. 1 in 4 may do, some times no retrieves at all, you collect them while he sits.


Back to basics on all commands.


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