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this mornings mixed bag


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went out this morning it was cold i went with my grandad and his spaniel benny.we tried a couple ov ditches and an old pit hole but nothing came out then we went around a pond and four mallard got up two quick shots from me and they were both down benny jumped in the freezing water and picked the first one then went back in for the second one.we went arond another pond and the dog bushed a hen pheasant which my grandad shot .the next spot we tried woz a long overgrown ditch we walked one each side and a rabbit ran out i shot and it woz down and the dog soon retrived it we continued along the ditch and a woodcock came out but to far for a shot,az we reached the end of the ditch a cock bird got up and another shot from my grandad and it woz down.it woz a cold misty morning the day started of slow but we had put quiet a good bag together by dinner time.the dog looked tierd but had worked hard and enjoyed himself.we woz just on the way back to my van wen a grey squirel tree rat :good: ran up a tree i sliped a cartridge in quick and got him az he woz running through the branches at the top. we heard a few geese but they were to high and couldnt see them in the fog but we had a good morning. :hmm:





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