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Vortex Rotating Spinning Wing System & Mojo Dove

El Gringo

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I'm considering combining the Cabela's Vortex Rotating Spinning Wing System with the Mojo Dove decoys. Has anyone else tried such a combination?


After watching the video of Cabela's system using the duck decoys, it certainly seems that such a combo would make one heck of a magnet. I especially like the feature that allows one to set the height of the circling birds.


In my area here in Venezuela, especially at watering holes and resting areas, there are many small thorny bushes that the birds seem to prefer. I can just picture the visual effect from a distance of a couple of birds circling over one of these bushes, apparently trying to find a spot to land, while other decoys are pirched all around. Seems it would both be a powerful attractant and keep the birds eyes focused away from the shooter.


The Cabela's system does appear to be pretty bulky and heavy, especially with the recommended battery, but some of the spots I'm hunting are within easy reach via vehicle.


I'd appreciate some input from anyone who's tried one of the Cabela's systems, or similar systems for that matter.


El Gringo

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it certainly seems that such a combo would make one heck of a magnet.


What a good name for a rotary decoying device. :oops::lol::lol:


I have seen the wing spinning mallard duck decoys in Louisiana (not sure of the make) and they do look very effective from a distance.

I think the standard rotary device is probably sufficient, without the spinning wings on the decoy.


Anything that effectively gives movement to a decoy layout, is good.

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Mr Beasley thanks you. :oops:

Mr. Beasley couldn't give a toss! :lol::lol:


Interestingly enough Shooting Times have just asked me to write 500 words for their debate "Pigeon Magnets are unsporting". I have to argue against said statement. Should be a giggle. I wonder who's writing the other piece. Probably Prue Coates.......I know she hates Pigeon Magnets.

Edited by ernyha
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<<Interestingly enough Shooting Times have just asked me to write 500 words for their debate "Pigeon Magnets are unsporting". I have to argue against said statement.>>


From what I've read, certain states in the U.S., California among them, considered outlawing the use of such devices for waterfowlers. However, since most of these birds are migratory and therefore fall under Federal jurisdiction, I'm not sure such laws would have withstood court challenges.


I do believe that the devices are now legal in every state.


Personally, I don't see anything unethical about their use.


El Gringo

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