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Carrying my rifle


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Morning all


As I'm currently suffering a bit of a bad back - slipped on the ice, don't laugh - and most of my shooting at the moment is done with the rimmy, I spend most of my time traipsing up and down hills carrying gear. I quite fancy one of these rucsac type rifle slings that allows you to use binoculars and other stuff easily. Harkila do one called the "Rocky" although I'm sure there are others. Are they any good? I've never even seen one, but the brochure says they can be mounted over a rucsac (handy for carrying rabbits.)


Any views please before I waste a few quid.





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Sorry I didn't see these replies.

Erm well yes it does flop about, but no much, you can crawl with it on your back though once it has flopped to one side if that makes sense.

To get the very best out one you would need to be brave enough to fit a QD stud in the side of your stock, not underneath.

You can wear it conventionally, i.e. over one shouder, or split the straps (would be easier to describe with a picture) and stick your head through the hole, so the rifle ends up diagonally across your back not straight up - if that makes sense?

You can deply it quite quickly, both straps have quick release catches, or you can slip it over one shoulder if you think you are about to get into a situation.

Putting it back on is like mounting up ( :lol: ) a backpack


I bought mine mainly for stalking in Scotland where you walk/climb/scrabble about all day and normally only have one shooting situation to think about, and you know that is coming, it isn't a snap shot.

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