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Pigeon shooting tips needed (first time)

Matt Gould

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Hello everybody i am new to this forum.


Me and my dad are planning to go pigeon decoying in the next week or so for the first time. We will be shooting over rape with a large pigeon resting wood behind us about 90 yards. My grandad has got some equipment which he has never realy used and said we can have, like a pigeon magnet, shell decoys.......................


Have you guys got any tips for us to make our day more successful ?







Matt :yes:

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put the magnet at the back of the pattern and make a horseshoe shape with the shells (the shells need to be facing into the wind). This will encorage pigeons into your pattern, and also if the pigeons are shying away from the magnet dont be afraid to turn it off. You will need some hide netting or to build a hide. The hide needs to fit in with your background so i suggest setting up against the edge of the wood or against a hedge to give cover from behind. If you see any coming into our pattern this would mean that you've got something right and wait until the last moment to pop up and shoot when they have got their wing set back. Take plenty of cartrdges believe me you dont want to run out! most of all have fun and take some warm drink as it can get a little nippy sitting still :yes:;)


if you havent already been on this site (this forums mother site) www.pigeonwatch.co.uk


this site will tell you tips and tricks and other useful stuff.


i can tell you if you get some shooting you'll be hooked :w00t:

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personaly the siting of the magnet can be quite important, if you have a horse shoe pattern then you may get better results with the magnet at the front of the pattern as it won't spook any birds comming into land, but as with anything i setup as i see it when I get there with many factors actually dictating the pattern etc, after nearly 30 years i'm still learning even now :lol:

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