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Some rough shooting with some friends from germany!


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Last monday my dad and i invited 2 freinds to come out with us for a shoot, 1 from germany and the other was local, only downside really was that we had no dogs!,

My german friend Hunker(i think thats how to spell it! :P it sounds like that anyway lol ??? ) had never shot snipe before as you cant shoot them in germany, so he was eager to have a go at it.


We started off at 10am with 2 guns leant to us by Dermots dad, an old battered side by side and an ancient single shot hammer gun! they all worked thankfully!

after leaving the cars i took them off to my pigeon ground to see if there was anything about, sadly though nothing was around, so we proceded to drive 3 massive fields of beet with no huge luck other than a few well off snipe, so we moved onto the 2 acres of marshland thati regularly shoot snipe on, that gave us no luck either, as someone must have been up there the day before with dogs or something, so we moved onto some cut beet fields which brought our first catch of the day, to his delight it was the german who bagged it with 1 shot! we moved on and the Dermot bagged a second, i was starting to feel left out at this stage as none were bolting near me! so we moved onto a marshy grass field and walked accross it, well there were so many going up it was a case of "oh my god which one do i shoot at" about 10 went up in the 1 field, 1 of which was clipped by me, went down in the next field and was hotly persued by me!...score 1 for me :lol:

seconds later i hear another bang and the german gets another!!, :yes:

minutes later me and our german friend were standing on the ridge of a ditch only to see a pheasant go up right in front of him! as the comb was a bit too short for him on the gun he was borrowing he shot both shots high, and it got away :(

This was one of the msot exhilerating days ive had out, a thoroughly enjoyable day to say the least! and im hoping that theyll return soon to have another great days out, by then i might have my rimmy so a nights lamping might be in store! ;)

i would like so say thanks to them both for making a great day totally worth it :hmm::P


now for the piccies!, the end bag was 4 snipe

edit: im the lad in the cammo btw!







Edited by dogfox
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