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.22 lr or .22 wmr?


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if your intent is to shoot a bunch of rounds downrange (whatever the target) then get the 22LR. Cost of ammunition makes shooting a lot of rounds through the WMR a bit expensive. Your mileage may vary, but normally priced average quality WMR rounds are about 2-3 times the price of normally priced, average quality (which shoot great in my gun) 22LR. Also, if you want a whisper quiet gun, then forget the WMR. There are no subsonic rounds for it that I know of.


If you want a one gun rimfire that will let you take a fox reliably with body shots (where permitted of course) then you'll need the WMR.


Personally, for what I need from the 22LR (stealth, fair number of shots at low cost, <100 yard range, no fox) I would never substitute the WMR.




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if your intent is to shoot a bunch of rounds downrange (whatever the target) then get the 22LR. Cost of ammunition makes shooting a lot of rounds through the WMR a bit expensive. Your mileage may vary, but normally priced average quality WMR rounds are about 2-3 times the price of normally priced, average quality (which shoot great in my gun) 22LR. Also, if you want a whisper quiet gun, then forget the WMR. There are no subsonic rounds for it that I know of.


If you want a one gun rimfire that will let you take a fox reliably with body shots (where permitted of course) then you'll need the WMR.


Personally, for what I need from the 22LR (stealth, fair number of shots at low cost, <100 yard range, no fox) I would never substitute the WMR.




we can use anything for fox over here, the only type of animal we are restricted on is deer, where the minimum caliber is .243, ill check out the price of rounds for the mag, and see the price of the gun itself, and see wether its worth it.

chances are it isnt and ill just save the €425 for the cz 452 american!

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