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with or without a spinner! that is the question


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with or without a spinner! that is the question :lol:

as above and in light of other threads


i was out last weekend and have found a strong holding zone for woodies to roost up and found a good flight line off it 600+ move off from my village over some woods

across the a12 on to the 100,000 of acres of rape filled fields of which i shoot.

the problem is 1 shot over rape and they fly a mile or so and land on to the next rape rich field and don't move :yes:

anyway i set up with 10 shells in a horse shoe with the spinner in front of me.

a hour in an 2 birds to show for all the hard work,i was finding the spinner was pulling them off the flight line but as soon as they got within 50m they would see the spinner and off they went!

i then removed the spinner and not a single bird would pull in :P its now 11.30am and the sun is pushing round i was not getting any birds apart from the odd bird that would come from behind the hide and the wood i was in and it was doing mac 10 so by the time Ive made the shot the bird is miles away.

i then move my spinner 70m or so away down the field and like magic the spinner pulls the birds off the flight line and across the field as they get within 200m or so they then see the decoys and pull off the spinner and glide straight in to my decoys.

I'm packed up by 2:30 and 10 hard won birds in the bag.....

if i get a chance I'm going to give the same idea a go sat or Sunday and as most of the birds are one the move by 9.30 10.00am i should have a good bag.

i would think a bag of 15to40 would be very good.

Edited by bigdogwoff
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I suspect the pigeons were seeing the sun glinting on your magnet ( spinner ) arms. Try wraping the arms in camo tape, that should cure your problem.

yes sorry magnet,im sure it was the sun and tape or mud im sure would do the trick,but i must admit that the way i was useing it in the end

was doing the trick very well and it made a change from the norm.

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