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Another of My Passions

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Not sure about the owner, but the dogs sound about right. The guy that came out with us (I did stood on the back of the sled for as long as they let me) said that they bred the dogs with greyhounds for the lung capacity. Apparently you could spot the dogs with more husky in them by the eyes. We only had one with blue eyes.


They were all really good natured dogs though. One of them I wished I could have taken home. A right softie. Leaned up against me when I made a fuss of him.


Apparently the owner has over 200 dogs....

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It sounds like Terrys kennels. Terry is a Hell of a racer and one of the best mushers I know.


It is a fine line when running Alaskans as what you gain in lung capacity you loose in ability to handle the cold. However they are fabulouse dogs built to run and I have never met an unruly one.


Oh and believe me it is not hard to collect over the 100 or 200 mark I had 45 and was not even running the bigger open races, mostly the purebred circuit and tripping. Trix and I would take off for upto 14 days at a time with the dogs.



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Dont know if you saw these or not Suzy.


On a Drop Chain in the Allegany Mountains



Togo, Blue, Indy




This particular trail was a 1400 foot climb in just under 2 miles.




Same trail ....From the sled

L-wheel Tryfan R-wheel Indy L-lead Blue R-lead Tundra




A couple from the top.




Indy Tryfan Blue Saphire Togo Abby Tundra IQ




Time to the top 1 hour 22 minutes....Time to the bottom 12 minutes




Greenland Dogs

L-wheel Tyson R-wheel Darlyne

Lead Haily




A couple on a pack trip

Tundra & Ice




Two teams on an ice run

Back team---wheel- Bandit L-Swing Main R-Swing Rusty L-lead Dancer R-lead Devon

Front team---L-wheel Jake R-wheel Sky L-lead Boris R-lead Blue




My Eldests first ride or so. Baron Pulling




Doing it on his own at 3

L Baron R- Stormer



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God you make are lifes seem so boring Mr Flock.

So what speeds can you get up to on those things.

I think i would be ok on the going up the mountain.

I think it would be the coming down where i might let out the little scream.

How do you contol the Sled from overtaking the Dogs.

Still looks fun though.

Thank you for the piccys


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On a four dog team in good condition your first mile or two will run about 12 miles an hour and then drop down to roughly 8 miles an hour. I use to run a 4 mile race on moderate terrain around 14 minutes.


I also use to hook 22 dogs on the sled and run the creek and river for about 22 miles in about 1hour 10 minutes. I could run the same route on just skis with 16 dogs in around 45 minutes.


As for sled control there is a claw break on the sled for stopping and light breaking but comining down that mountain it was ALL heel and foot work as if you hit the breaks you would have ended up in a tree or a boulder the size of a house. It was an absolute wild run and still brings a smile to my face.



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