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Do any of you know if the gunpower stealth rifle 22 is as good as its


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Hi all


Do any of you know if the gunpower stealth rifle 22 is as good as its said to be.I just got permission to shoot in 10 acre land and i was thinking to go lamping soon.I do have a shootgun but as we shooting from a 4/4 i was told a rifle will be better.My friend has a gunpower stealth rifle22 and he swears thats the one for the job.I have been reading in the net and some saying is brillaint gun some saying not very accurate.What do u think? Any coment very mutch appreciate.

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Most need work doing to them so they are accurate and keep consistancy, they can go over power very easily so need a bit of maintanance, i have had atleast 20 stealths and still own a condor, good for lamping as they are light and have a dovetail rail top and bottom which are good for accessaries .

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The gun is spot on :welcomeani: . I Bought the S410 about 6yrs ago and never looked back, Its given me many days of enjoyment and never let me down (till this air leak i have sprung up) The only maintenance its ever had is a light coat of oil on the magazine loading mechanism and bolt, Even with the air leak its still consistent all the time.Loading the pellets and locating the magazine in the gun can be a right pain in the rear, Especially in the dark like you say :good: , Needless t say iv bought a 2nd mag for it

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