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New ase utra Northstar


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This is a new mod from ase utra.It is an over barrel all stainless steel model.It only adds 4" to the end of your barrel and weighs in at 630grams so actualy it is the same as a T8 but it is slimmer and after having one in either hand feels lighter ??? It beats the T8 in sound reduction cutting it by an impressive 24-26db as opposed to the 22 of the T8.

You can get it in about any thread you want.The noise reduction on the 22-250 is excellent and it does sound just like a .22 lr firing unsuppressed,as opposed to a scud missile lauching :lol:

The price i paid is £225,so if you are looking for a mod it is well worth a look




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It cant be stripped down.The bumf that came with it says "spray some wd40 or break free down it and give it a shake.Otherwise it is maintenace free,and this is the best bit.The mod has a 2 year no quible warranty and a "limited lifetime warranty"which states that no matter how old or the condition of the mod it will be replaced with new one for 60% of the cost of a new one.So basically hand in your old one and get 40% off the price of a new mod.

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