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I have done quite a bit of shooting in the field recently, and today i have noticed that there is rust building up at the

end of the barrel.


I'm not sure how this has happened, and can only think that the inside of my slip that i use has got damp inside, and

thus the reason behind the rusting..


Can anyone suggest what i can do?


I have been told that WD40 is the thing to use, but i'm not sure :welcomeani:

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Just keep it clean with gun oil - the rust is just prob surface rust (nothing to be worried about) and will come away and stay away with a bit of care and a wipe down after use. :o


As for your slip - un-zip it fully and leave it hung on a door somewhere where there is plenty of air flow - or you could try un zipping it then place it on a rad for a few days thena door as descibed.


If it is just an end opening slip - or leather with lambs wool or the like - hang over a rad wedging openning end with somthing to allow the heat to travel up it - and leave it like this a a week or so


should do the trick! :welcomeani:

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I would hit the spot lightly with 0000 steel wool, and Hoppes or Remington gun oils.. Even 3 in 1, but stay away from from WD40 as it get tacky over time and is not the proper product to use.. In a pinch you can use a light coat of of unflavored cooking shortening.. :hmm:

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I would hit the spot lightly with 0000 steel wool, and Hoppes or Remington gun oils.. Even 3 in 1, but stay away from from WD40 as it get tacky over time and is not the proper product to use.. In a pinch you can use a light coat of of unflavored cooking shortening.. :hmm:


I have used nothing but WD40 on my sidelock for many years and have never noticed any stickiness - never noticed any rust either :D

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rub it over with a silocone cloth (abbey make these aprox £7) before you put it away it will stop the sweat from your fingerprints rusting the metal. i had the same problem with my break barrel spring gun. but rubbling it doen with that sorts it out so all my guns get a gud rub down be fore they go in the cabenet. plus it makes the wood come up nice


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