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Cost of a new Barrel


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Had a look at the website stuart and i can tell that he wont go for that cos it sounds expensive..custom barrel and all that.I think if it was a couple of hundred quid he would do it but otherwise it might work out cost effective to get a new gun.Cheers though as it looks a quality set up.

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A re barrelled gun by steve will show you what accuracy means though, new guns are always a risk, well cheap ones anyway.



I have to agree with Fister, If you have a good action it really is worth looking at having it re-barrelled.


Steve Kershaw did my .270 for me and it will shoot 1 hole groups all day long, I love it.




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Steve Kershaw is the only gunsmith I'll let near my rifles and I've never been even mildly disappointed by his work or his prices.


Rather than a custom barrel though, it may be worth asking if he's any decent standard barrels in his drawer that he's taken off to replace with a custom one.

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Speak to Chris at Anglo Custom Rifles. He's now working on my third rifle and I can highly recommend him.


The current one is a rebarrelling job on a custom rifle that was initially done by another gunsmith....


I know they are having their website re-done but here's the link to the old holding page:-


Anglo Website

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So busy in fact that when I went to see him yesterday, he screcut 3 guns and fitted three mods for me for 8 o clock last night just so he didnt have to store any more guns to work on this week lol


Steve is a good guy, works well, prices well and does things when he says he will, he is like scotty form star trek, says it will be ready in a week and rings you after 5 days to say its done.


New barrel, around 600 all in. Dependant a bit on the exchange rates.


Sounds like a good bloke and quality workmanship but a bit OTT for what the gun would be used for.Its main use is fox control shooting, and not shooting fleas off foxes backs.If the £600 is a correct price then also a bit steep as after more looking about i found Border Barrels will do a custom barrel fitted and proofed for £480

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