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Picked up a .410 Hushy today


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Think the bloke was short of money as he was glad to get rid of it....


Its a year old i've been told, and is a Baikel version, woods pretty decent but some deep scratches that need attending to (dark stock too so stick out like a sore tumb). I dont think the guns ever been cleaned though, barrel is caked inside, unscrewed the hush and its inside is caked in residue, outside of the barrel (inside the Hushy is also caked.


So took it all apart sprayed loads of Leigga down the barrel and soaked the outside with WD40 - and soaked the inside of the Hushy with Gun oil to try to shift some of the ****.


After an hour of rodding, cleaning and wedging a load of rag down the Hushy - its somewhere near decent....never ceases to amaze me what state people allow their guns to get in.


- Does anyone know a deffo way to get rid of the caked on residue? Got most of it - its cleared all the blueing off of the outside of the barrel around the holes?


Other than that - good as new!



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It mentions baffler plates?


Would anyone care to take a pic of these inside or on a Hushy and post them as my Baikel simplt has holes in it, and then the shroud?? - there is nothing along the barrels apart from the front bush?


:good: baffler plates? could that be the newer ones?



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Leave it (metal only) in a big tub of coca-cola, the acid in the drink will eat away and remove and loosen the grime, and leave the metal intact. Afterwards, give it a clean to remove any stickyness and left over grime.


-Also, some moderators can be taken apart, overs not so, bafferplates are something you'd find inside a moderator if you can take it apart.

Edited by Bleeh
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I have heard both sides and can only say that one I had was pitted around the holes in the barrel that looked like it was not cleaned much.I would not have known unless I had unscrewed it. Because of that I clean the barrel but not the inside of the moderator as it is aluminium.Some do have a retaining pin.My Pedrettis all unscrew.

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