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Rattling from weihrauch silencer

discreet hunter

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Yeah, sometimes they manage to unscrew themselves a bit and a pellet clips the baffle.


It happened with my £160 PES mod on my .22 LR, fortunately it clipped the end of the mod and only slightly bent the metal... A quick tap with the hammer and a covering of my face whilst pulling the trigger on the next shot and it worked fine...!


If it's not strippable, it looks like a new one is on the cards...

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I've seen this on a Logun Moderator where the rifle had been dropped and the Moderator had bent ever so slightly, resulting in the pellets striking the end of the mod and causing the problem you mention. In this case it was very obvious but check for evidence of the pellets clipping the end cap.

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Hi, Thanks for all your advice, on the weihrauch silencer the end do unsrew, a pellet clip one one the washer denting it also damaging couple of the plastic bit inside(resembling the plastic curlers missus use to make her hair curly), so took a couple of the hair curlers did a bit of D.I.Y repairs, seems to work as new, save my self about £35.00


Many thanks again


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