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A Bit Harsh?


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I,LL GIVE YOU MY VERDICT ON ANDY AT AVALON GUNS.i have found him to be a totaly honest guy,i have purchased 3 guns from them.spoketo them over the phone about what i had to p/x and roughly what they would allow and true to there word i have received said amount as p/x.i wwould have no hesitation in using them again.you must have caught them on a bad day but that is no excuse for rudeness on there behalf

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As always two sides to every story :hmm:


Yes....but a substantial number of people have voiced similar sides of stories in this thread.... it is enough to make me think twice :cry1:




You were informed that your gun would be ready on the Friday so strangely you sent rather a derogatory letter on the Thursday in which I believe you used the word amateurish and then wondered why the owner took exception to you questioning a reputation thats taken over 25 years to build.


And for the record Danmar94 was not threatened but told his business wasn`t wanted in future and was asked to leave so talk of RFD revocation is somewhat wide of the mark


Posts insulting staff members and calling for the shop to be burnt down even if said in jest do this forum nor its members no favours at all by the way






As for avalon 'not threatening' customers, merely telling them they do not want their business..... well.... I think they probably got their wish, and then some they didn't expect! You can not underestimate the power of the consumer and word of mouth. In that regard they DID behave in an amateur manner - they could have just taken the letter on the chin.


Most of the posts on staff members seemed to be adding comment to their lack of good customer service - valuable info in my opinion. And as for the favours, who pray tell asked for any? If getting 'favours' from avalon means disallowing free speech then stuff the favours!

Edited by Boomstick
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No excuses for poor service but, there have apprently been problems with Bettensolis a chap at our club had a gun with the exact same symptoms that were previously described. He took it back to the shop where he bought it and they gave him what he paid against another gun. They told him there had been a bad batch and these faults were well known.



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There seems to be a fair amount of jumping on the wagon here. There are always two sides to an argument and it is certainly not fair to pick an argument when the other party is not available to fend for themselves.


You might consider that bringing this to an open forum is not the right thing to do in the first place.


Whilst of course I wouldn't want any member falling foul of a crooked trader, there is nothing to suggest that this reputable company is. Sometimes companies do make mistakes and can fall foul of things outside of their control, but that doesn't mean we should publicly condemn them on an open forum.


Everyone has had their say, the matter is now closed.

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