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Sortening Barrel


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I am going out shortly to buy myself a Sauer 202 in 6.5x55 with synthetic stock.


The barrel is 24 inches and I am mindfull that is going to be very long when I get my Predator mod on it.


How much will it affect velocity/accuaracy if I have 2 -3 inches taken off?


I will be using it for foxing and roe stalking. Maybe larger deer if I convince the Mrs to let me have a pass out <_<




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Malinois, try reading this for a little reassurance; http://www.chuckhawks.com/rifle_barrel.htm


I have a Sako Finnlight in 6.5x55 with a 21.5" barrel, if you are shooting normal stalking distances you will not notice the reduction. Only if you are bench resting and trying to get the maximum out of the round would you need the longer barrel length to achieve maximum velocity. I hope this helps.



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for 2-3", you'll loose less velocity than switching between different factory loads. Figure 50-75 fps if you really want a number, but for the most part it will be insignificant.


Now if you were talking about a 20" barrel going down to 17" with a high pressure/intensity cartridge then you'd get a bit more drop.




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