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Friday Foxing Fun


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Myself and Hardfordwmj has a spin round with the farmers son on Friday evening...


We'd seen 2 or 3 foxes, but as per usual on this farm - they legged it as soon as the lamp was on them... There's a local "traveller community" just over the road, and I'm convinced that someone has been running dogs or just general fox educating / poaching, as other than us the only person to lamp on the land is the Gamekeeper.


Anyway we did the rounds in the landie, dropping a few nice rabbits here and there. I was driving with my .223 (safely) at my side, and the farmers son was in the passenger seat with the .22lr. He's new to rifle shooting, and was geting very frustrated after missing a few good bunnies :sick: - We rounded the next hedge and there was a rabbit a good 80 odd yards, sat there munching away... The lad got himself into position and squeezed... The bunny wen't straight over! Cracking shot I thought.


Then - all of a sudden a pair of eyes was looking at us from the hedge a bit further up.... I knew straight away it was fox and began to get out of the car and chamber a round.


Harfordwmj got straight on the FoxCallUK caller and managed to stop him as he was heading off... I didn't need to be asked twice and from the door frame squeezed a shot off...


Dog fox, from 150 yards in the bag :yes:



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