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Which choke to use O/U?


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Got 2 flush chokes that someone was practically giving away that I intend to use for skeet for now. A teague skeet and a browning cylinder.


The stupid question is (and I understand that this probably matters very little) but do I put the tighter skeet choke in the top barrel or the bottom? The guy who sold them put them in with skeet on the bottom barrel, but I expected at stands 1 and 7 it would be an advantage to have the tighter one in the top.


I guess this question goes for sporting too, when I have M and IM chokes in.



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depends what barrel you fire first, rule of thumb is bottom first to reduce muzzle flip, so for skeet put the skeet in the bottom, but for what it is it doesnt really matter, some for sporting, mod in bottom imp mod top, a mate of mine has a miroku trap gun fixed choke 32" barrels choked at full and extra full and shot a straight at skeet a couple of weeks back, just for fun, he is an instructor though, but its still some good shooting,



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Dedicated skeet and trap guns all fire bottom barrel first, and if there is a choke difference the over barrel will be tighter than the under as the likelihood is that the second target will be further away.


As noted by Viking, the prssure line on the lower barrel is directly into the heel while the upper barrel is above the pad, causing lift. Doe not matter that the second barrel fired flips, but when two shots are taken in very quick time one after the other, you dont want to be fighting the muzzles.

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