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Job Advise

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Advice needed



When I left school at 16 I did a YTS in Keepering at Sparsholt college, completed the course, got the qualifications and toughly enjoyed it, However left keepering when I was about 19 and wish I hadn't, I am now 37 so this was quite a while ago. At that age I didn't really realise what I had but know now that I would really like to get back into it and wanted some advice as to what is the best way to achieve this.

I am limited in what time I have to retrain without an income as I have a young family so obviously require the income to support them and keep a roof over our heads. Please can you give me a bit of advise as the best route I should take.

I have done some beating where I live but find that the estate's beaters have all been there for a very long time, most 20 years plus, so even though I offered numerous time to help the keeper with maintaining pens and anything else he needed a hand with I was overlooked and the usual people did it, I did mention to the keeper why I wanted to help so he didn't think I was just doing it so I could get some shooting.

I don't have a rose tinted vision of what to expect as I've been there before it just that it was such a long time ago. So the experience I had in keepering is a bit outdated, I was brought up around keepering as well as my Grandfather was a keeper at Eastnor Estate near Ledbury when I was young.

I'm currently involved with the British Deer Society and sit on the West branch committee as the Vice Chairman, But this is my only current connection to the industry.


I have emailed Lantra, BASC, the NGO asking along the same lines but haven't heard back from any of them as yet.



Jon Carrington

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I would advise you to spend a year saving all the £££ you can whilst getting out at every opportunity putting your name around. Without being rude there are a few very commercial shoots in the south of england who will almost employ anyone and whilst filling feeders non stop is not fun after a year you'll have a job on your CV which will lead to another job.

It's a bit late now for this season but apply for everything next year , the reason i say save every penny is if you decide on getting a keepers job and give yours up and spend a month or two not working it is amazing how the money goes.


Get every license you can- ATV, tractor, chainsaw etc etc may make the difference of a job offer or them offering it to someone who has them.

Edited by sam f
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It seems to be very tough out there, the shoot I beat on put an ad out for a new Under Keeper a few weeks back.

They had 60-70 replies, one from a Head Keeper with family who was prepared to up sticks from over 200 miles away after being with the same shoot for more than 20 years just to have a job.

You would need to be absolutely passionate about it, and have very few financial overheads as the pay seems to be almost nothing.

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