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My new sight


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So today my uncle was finally doing nothing so we bunged our stuff in his car and drove off to our permission. We have a board set up in the woods where we zero sights and such. The board is about 30 yards from where i was firing. It didn't take long to zero in the sight, and i was getting one hole groups using 7x magnification, and needless to say i was well pleased. After setting up the sight we went down into the woods to try and get some wood pigeons and maybe some squirrels, as the farmer bloke complained they were stripping bark or something, and wanted them "thinned out." So we found these logs which had come off a tree because of wind and made a perfect little hide. In the hour we were there i got a squirrel and a pigeon and my uncle got two pigeons. Though some of the pigeons seemed pretty bullet proof today. You could hear the smack when you hit them, and they would just fly off! And just to extract the urine further, one shot i took at the pigeon i killed went right through its neck and out the other side, so how come some shots did egg all to the other pigeons? But back to the point, the sight is damn good! One hole groups at 30 yards i think is pretty impressive. The only thing i reckon could make my combo better is a multi-shot hornet. And all you anti deben folks, i'm glad i didn't listen to you :)

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erm just curiouse but what site did you get in the end then?


i think i worked out it was a variable zoom from deben (hawke???)LOL


and what rifle is it mounted on? springer or PCP?


(lazy *** i cant be arrsed to look back over posts LOL


as for the bullet proof pigeons it all depends on where the pellet got them its got to be head shot almost every time as the chest is just about almost all solid muscles and above that you have the crop solid and full of food. so always has to be a head shot or a no shot :) (know you cant get them all perfect though :) )


good luck mate


ROB :)

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The sight i bought is a Hawke Nighteye 3-10x44IR mounted on a single shot BSA Hornet. I'm using Bisley Magnum pellets. I heard about the crop thing, but my uncle got one with a chest shot. Might have been something to with the range the shot was taken at i guess, or something to do with the individual bird, like its build or whatever. But mine was almost a head shot, i hit its neck.

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cheers for that sounds liek you got yourself a decent set up there now :)


one thing you mgiht find though have you tried using air arms field (daystae or webley lazadomes all the same as AA field) or accupel, as the bis mags are generally meant for the high power FAC as they are a very heavey pellet (21.4 grains)


you may find a lighter pellet works a little better with the rifle. though this still wouldnt explain the bullet proof pigeons LOL


all the best


ROB :)

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one thing you mgiht find though have you tried using air arms field (daystae or webley lazadomes all the same as AA field) or accupel, as the bis mags are generally meant for the high power FAC as they are a very heavey pellet (21.4 grains)


you may find a lighter pellet works a little better with the rifle. though this still wouldnt explain the bullet proof pigeons LOL


all the best


ROB :)

Sound advice from roblade, Biz Mags tend to be a little on the heavy side for a non FAC weapon.


Though some of the pigeons seemed pretty bullet proof today. You could hear the smack when you hit them, and they would just fly off!

Sorry but i reckon you were missing them, if your putting a pellet into them then they shouldnt just fly away. If you are using biz mags you may find that the point of impact is slightly low.


Ive known them to fly and then drop like a stone in all fairness though. The crack could have been the pellet clipping a branch or something or even clipping the pigeon. The fact that you dropped one means your gun shouldnt be underpowered.


Nice choice of weapon with the Hornet though, got one myself and i love it.


As for being anti Deben, i just think there are far far better scopes on the market for very similar or less money. Saying that, i have heard that the night eye isnt a bad bit of glass


All the best



Edited by donkeymagic
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